Luxury box of teas

This is the most luxury tea experience in the world
Steijns Tea welcomes you to an experience that immediately elevates you into a state of fabulousness, a state of excellence.
Twenty one teas and herbs evoke a range of emotions to bring out the ‘Best You’. All PersonaliTeas have their own story to tell to empower you making your dreams come true.
something incredible happens at every moment of your day
grow you, be a dream come true
We bring you Tea with Heart and Soul, Feel Good and Take Control.
Spoil yourself and release, taste our PersonaliTeas.
Welcome to Steijns House of Happiness. Where dreams come true, where you grow you.
This is the most luxury tea experience in the world
This box is created with the knowlegde of the study of Herbal Medicine and research of LiveStrong, University of MD Medical Center, The Bach Centre and Dr. Masaru Emoto. The quality of the ingredients are in the state of excellence and taste fabulousness. Every melange has a life changing poem for you to experience something incredible each day.
with Steijns tea you experience every day, a day of excellence
proudly we present the

Chocolate Tea with a touch of mint
I am here to support you, to create the life you would love to live. I remind you to start living your dream and start making sense.
This time your dream will be found, because we build it on solid ground.
Poem Acceptance
Health Benefits
We are a natural source of antioxidants and contain magnesium, and potassium, and a high dose of vitamin D. We increase a feeling of well-being. We are a mild antidepressant and bring a smooth and sensual stimulation. We promote a healthy heart and stimulate the cardiovascular system. We also stimulate the muscular system and have a mild effect on our central nervous system.
We are not addictive.
White tea with vanilla and heather Flowers.
I am here to bring you home, home is where the heart is. So you can fully experience and appreciate the ‘Present’.
When you can feel your sensations, you know you are worthy of all Appreciation.
Poem Appreciation
Health Benefits
Studies have shown that I am a cleansing and detoxifying, mildly sedative, antiseptic, expectorant and vasoconstrictor.
I will help with insomnia, rheumatism, arthritis, coughs, colds, bladder-, urinary- and kidney disorders, cystitis and gout. We benefit the nervous system and are a sexual stimulant.
lovely ROOIBOS
Rooibos with chocolate and heather Flowers.
I am here to remind you that there is nothing you cannot achieve. We are faith, hope, trust and belief.
Instead of feeling different and wrong, lead by example and feel strong.
Poem Believe
lovely rooibos
Health benefits
Studies have shown that I may reduce bad breath, anxiety associated with depression, fever, cough and sweating. We may have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. We are naturally caffeine free and recommended when people are suffering from irritability, headaches, disturbed sleeping patterns, insomnia, nervous tension, mild depression or hypertension. Stomach and indigestive problems such as nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomach ulcers and constipation can also be relieved. We contain powerful antioxidants, vitamin C, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, manganese and zinc.
Sage, thyme and eucalyptus
I am here so you feel in place in this world.
All worries go away, make room for your true self and love your way.
How much room do you prefer, to be you and feel in place. Be responsible, don’t let anyone pollute your ‘Room’.
Poem Clarity
sage tea
Health benefits
Studies have shown that it’s healthy to drink us when you have; low blood pressure, Alzheimer’s, asthma, stomatitis apthosa, colds, Candida, coughs, dental abscesses, diarrhea, excessive menstrual bleeding, gingivitis, headaches, menopause sweats, night sweats, indigestion, liver or kidney problems, a lack of appetite and rhinitis. We may reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, depression, anxiety, and improve your memory.
Don’t drink me
If you are pregnant, nursing or if you have epileptic fits.
lemon TEA
Lemon slices on verbena leafs
I am here to help you trust your instincts, so you make the right decisions!
Stand confident and strong, know who you are and where you belong.
Poem Confidence

lemon tea
Health benefits
Studies have shown that we decrease the cholesterol levels, minimizing the risks of high blood pressure and heart disease. Improves bone health, preventing various disorders like osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, fractures in the bone, inflammatory polyarthritis and osteoarthritis. Boost stronger immunity and digestion, treating colds, flu, sore throat, boost healthy bowel movements. Consist of essential enzymes, vitamin C, vitamin P, calcium, potassium, fiber, limonene, citric acid and salvestrol Q40.
green TEA
Green gunpowder tea with peper and roses.
I am here to remind you there is always
a mountain to climb. Choose to climb yours with excitement and love, and you feel on top.
Climb your mountain with dignity and grace, enjoy your view from every place.
Poem Courage
green tea
Health benefits
Studies have shown that I may bring relief when you have Atheros- clerosis, high cholesterol, IBD, diabetes, liver problems, obesity, dental cavities, arthritis, Alzheimer, infections, cancer, the cold or the flu.
Don’t drink me
When you take medicine against high blood pressure, kidney or liver problems, when you use stomach ulcer medicine, are anxious, pregnant or breastfeeding.
Liquorice roots TEA
Liquorice roots, chamomile and eucalyptus
I am here to bring balance in your voice and guidance in your dialogue.
Express to me what you ‘Need’ to say, you know I love you anyway.
Poem Expression

liquorice roots tea
Health benefits
Studies have shown that I detoxify and protect the liver.
I help with weight loss and fight bacterial infections, reduce cholesterol levels and can be used as a laxative. I am helpful when you have arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, peptic, stomach & mouth ulcers and Addison’s disease.
Don’t drink me
If you are pregnant, have high blood pressure, kidney disease, heart disease or diabetes.
spicy rooibos
Rooibos, cinnamon, cardamom and cloves
I am here to bring you an
exciting reason to get up in the morning. I set your soul on
fire so you feel your heart’s desires.
Fire up your soul, so you feel good and in control.
Poem Fire
spicy rooibos
Health benefits
Studies have shown that I prevent colds, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, painful menstrual periods, diabetes and indigestion. Cinnamon in combination with honey may reduce cholesterol levels, arthritis, hair loss, hearing loss, bladder infections, toothache, bad breath, obesity and skin infection. I strengthen your immune system and improve your energy. We may have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. We are naturally caffeine free and recommended when people are suffering from irritability, headaches, disturbed sleeping patterns, insomnia, nervous tension, mild depression or hypertension.
jasmine pearls
Jasmine pearls
I am here so you feel your
flow. When you feel your motion, you will take the time you need to get where you want to go.
I let myself fall, I really let go, I choose to surrender to my own love and flow.
Poem Flow
Jasmine pearls
Health benefits
Studies have shown that I may reduce the risk of increased heart rate and blood pressure, strokes, ulcers, cholera, diarrhea, diabetics, muscle pains, headaches, cholesterol and stress levels. I soothe nerves and aid against depression. I help in losing weight and reduce stress levels. I am an aphrodisiac, I stimulate the sexual drive and even possibly treat infertility.
Don’t drink me
During pregnancy.
bloom tea
Lotus flower, chamomile, lavender, jasmine pearl and black tea
I am here to make you feel like
a happy free soul. When you open your heart, the world will be your friend.
I am here to give you a smile and a feeling that your life is worthwhile.
You are adorable and sweet, accomplished and complete.
Poem Happiness
bloom tea
Health benefits
Studies have shown that I may increase capillary wall strength and control bleeding. I am antihemorrhagic, calming and prevent premature ejaculation. I may reduce fluid retention, stomach, spleen and liver problems, summer heat, high blood pressure, restlessness, heart palpitations, insomnia and digestive problems.
Lemon balm
Lemon balm, rose petals, cardamom and ginger
I am here to bring you back to your childhood adventures where the world is a playground of unlimited possibilities.
Stop feeling tragic, start creating with a handful of magic.
Poem Magic

lemon balm
Health benefits
Studies have shown that I am a commonly grown household remedy with a long tradition
as a tonic remedy that raises the spirits and lifts the heart. Modern research has shown that I help in the treatment of cold sores, fevers, colds, indigestion associated with nervous tension, excitability and digestive upsets in children, hyperthyroidism, depression, mild insomnia, headaches. I may calm the central nervous system and am strongly antispasmodic.
Passion fruit
Passion fruit, rooibos and calendula.
I am here for you to make you feel your Passion. You’ve grown yourself into the ‘Person’ you are today and now it’s time to bloom.
When your life is no longer an obsession,
you will feel your love, wealth and compassion.
Poem Passion

passion fruit
Health benefits
Studies have shown that I may reduce bad breath, anxiety associated with depression, fever, cough and sweating. We may have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. We are naturally caffeine free and recommended when people are suffering from irritability, headaches, disturbed sleeping patterns, insomnia, nervous tension, mild depression or hypertension. Stomach and indigestive problems such as nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomach ulcers and constipation can also be relieved. We contain powerful antioxidants, vitamin C, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, manganese and zinc.
forrest fruits
Hibiscus, rose hip, orange peel and cranberry
I am here to bring your volume down. Enjoy your journey, you will get there anyway.
I love for you to take things slow, choose the best and fully grow.
Poem Patience
forest fruit
Health benefits
Studies have shown that I may reduce gastrointestinal distress, arthritis, diarrhea, high cholesterol,diabetes 2, osteoarthritis and gout. I improve bone health, liver protection, hepatitis C, urine tract infection, colds, stress, depressions, Alzheimer, cancer, inflammations, bladder and kidney diseases. I am antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging. I may increase energy, improve brain function and give an immunity boost. I contain vitamin C,E and K, A, D, B complex, iron, calcium, magnesium, silicon, selenium, sodium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus and zinc.
Don’t drink me
During pregnancy, when you have a liver disease, kidney stones or low blood pressure.
white monkey lavendel
White Monkey tea with lavendel and cardamom
I am here to bring you inner peace.
Being on your mission of peace, will bring your soul release.
On my mission of peace I refuse to fight, I choose to love and show my light.
Poem Peace
white monkey lavendel
Health benefits
Studies have shown I may reduce restlessness, insomnia, depression, pain, anxiety, high blood pressure, hair loss, headaches, migraines, liver and gallbladder problems. I am helpful with exhaustion, an upset stomach and a loss of appetite.
Don’t drink me
During pregnancy, breastfeeding or if you are a child.
Juniper berries
Juniper berries
I am here to purify your old emotions and make room for new experiences.
Drinking purity, will set your spirit free.
Don’t look at my past, I don’t live there anymore. I put it to rest the now is worth living for.
Poem Purity

Juniper berries
Health benefits
Studies have shown that I clean and eliminate toxins. I may reduce digestive, cystitis, arthritis and toothache problems. I improve night blindness, a healthy skin and cell regeneration. I lower blood sugars and promote kidney health. I am antibacterial and stimulate weight loss. I contain vitamin A and C.
Don’t drink me
When you are pregnant or have kidney or liver problems. Do not use us longer than four weeks as it may damage your kidneys.
White earl grey tea
White tea with orange
I am here for you to feel your borders so you start listening and learning to respect them.
I respect my body, mind and soul, I am the one who is responsible.
White earl grey tea
Health benefits
Studies have shown that I am antiseptic and help reduce bacteria and parasitic infections, fever, sore throats, headaches, stomachaches, stress, insomnia and excessive sweating. We help reduce risk of developing heart disease. We help lower high blood pressure and maintain a healthy one. By promoting strong and healthy blood vessels, we guards against the ravages of stroke. We contain the highest amount of catechins compared to green and black tea: which inhibits adipogenesis while stimulating the fat burning activity in the body. We prevents cavities and strengthens teeth and bones due to the high fluoride content. We increases the good cholesterol while decreasing bad cholesterol.
Verbena leafs
I am here to support you and calm
you down when life is bringing you a ‘Present’ that makes you feel overwhelmed.
I bring good luck and an amazing treasure, a dazzling ‘Present’ that sparks your pleasure.
Years ago I planted this seed, so now my fortune and I finally meet.
Poem Serendipity

Health benefits
Studies have shown that I am helpful when you have: Candida, headaches, fevers, nervous exhaustion, depression, tensed nerves and gall bladder problems. I will calm you down when you are going through menopause and reduce fewer hot flashes and help you to sleep.
Don’t drink me
When you are pregnant as it might cause miscarriages.
Ginseng roots
Ginseng roots with peppermint, sage and white tea
I am here to bring you the
strength and energy to stand in your own power. Show your light and feel your manifest of wealth.
I am powerful beyond measure, I show my light and be a pleasure.
Poem Strength
Ginseng Roots
Health benefits
Studies have shown that I may stimulate your blood circulation, I increase energy and increase physical activity, reduce body weight, help fight colds, flu, asthma, arthritis, headaches, mental and physical stress. I increase longevity and vitality. I will strengthen the immune system and improve memory.
Don’t drink me
If you are a child, pregnant or breastfeeding, or taking any kind of medication.
chamomile flowers
Chamomile with vervbena
I am here to bring your ‘Must Do’ to ‘I love Too’.
By being a shining sun, you bring light in the world and that is fun.
I am a shining sun, and by doing less, I get more done.
Poem Sunshine
chamomile flowers
Health benefits
Studies have shown that I strengthen the body and treat diseases. I reduce nausea, vomiting, insomnia, heartburn, gas, digestive problems, cystitis, acne, toothache and anxiety. I am mildly sedative and relax your nervous system.
Don’t drink me
If you are pregnant or have asthma, when you are taking blood thinners or aspirin, it might increase the risk of bleeding. If you take medicine for high blood pressure it can cause blood pressure to drop too low and with diabetes it could raise the risk of hypoglycemia.
Roses with lotus, chamomile and black tea
I am here to love you tender.
Feel your shelter where you are cherished, safe, welcome and in place.
With my love I will impress,
my devotion brings out my tenderness.
I open my heart and embrace my personality, I feel loved, divine, I am heavenly.
Poem Tenderness
Health benefits
Studies have shown that I may prevent skin aging, balance menstrual irregularity, balance secretion of hormones, stimulate blood circulation and reduce anxiety. I am good for the heart, add sparks to women’s beauty and help brighten dull skin tone.
pepermint leaves
Pepermint leaves
I am here to eliminate all tension of your shoulders. Feel refreshed taking the next jump towards your goal.
When you are filled with stress, do something about it and feel refreshed.
The world can be filled with stress, but I say Yes, YES to success.
Poem Willpower
Health benefits
Studies have shown that I may bring some relief when you have irritable bowel syndrome, I may reduce bad breath, nausea, skin irritations, anxiety associated with depression, fever, cough, sweating, mild asthma and headaches. I am antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties.
Don’t drink me
If you are a child, pregnant or breastfeeding. Peppermint may make gallstones worse.
book of Teas - the personaliteas

book of Teas - the personaliteas
Includes all the information, like the health benefits of the ingredients. But the most outstanding are the poems that empowers you to grow to live your dream. Eliminate your stress, anger, pain, fears and negativity easy and Grow your happiness, fortune, health, friendships and gratefullness. “Oeh are you excited? This is your time to shine…”

life changing

Product details
Each Box contains 21 x 80-100g of worlds finest teas
Book “Grow You” with empowerful poems and health benefits
Purchase price 995,00 euro
What will you serve your customers? With this Luxury box of Teas you serve tea that immediately elevates your customers/ guests into a state of fabulousness! Stress-free, healthy, worry-free and ultimately happy. Yes you can !
Ready to give your customers an experience that immediately elivate them in a state of excellence.
Did you know that Money can buy Happiness?
Minimum order is 21 pieces x Luxury Box of Teas